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The natural world, texture and surface are my main sources of inspiration. I mostly work with white stoneware, porcelain paper clay and sometimes black stoneware with vibrant colour glazes and interactive glazes.   I create a wide range of unique work including functional and decorative work. 


I also enjoy designing ceramic jewellery using porcelain and black stoneware.   You can see contemporary jewellery designs in the shop section and purchase work directly from me via email. 


To develop ideas,  I photograph organic forms and surface details that inspire me, see the Inspiration section for examples. 


I have shared my love of  clay with many people of all ages and abilities over a long period of time with my teaching in schools as an art teacher and also community clay workshops. However I am mostly concentrating on my own work these days,  


Availability for commissions for ceramic pieces similar to the work shown on this website. Click here for contact details.




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